Dark Waves
Documentary / Fiction
An ultra-connected society where waves related to new technologies have invaded almost every space. Three people who are electromagnetic hypersensitive talk about their survival within a world that seems increasingly off-limits to them. The mise-en-scène explores the idea of the deceleration of time as a necessary condition to the perception of a reality that extends beyond the visible.

``It's invisible. It doesn't smell. And since it affects the entire nervous system, it's difficult to diagnose. It happened suddenly for me. The strange thing is, I've never had a cell phone, but that didn't stop me from becoming intolerant to all types of waves``
– Anonymous Testimony

Sometimes I dream that I'm in the world of the waves. There are some kind of large ironbirds. They sting and open people's skulls. There are strange shapes that swarm... and invade the entire space.
– Anonymous Testimony